Friday, November 15, 2013

The Fault in Our Stars

Reviewer: Amariah Torres

John Green

Perks of Being a Wallflower

By Stephen Chbosky

RL 4.8
PTS 9.0

     Charlie has been an outcast since the start.  When he meets Sam and Patrick, his life takes a turn for the better.  Until he and his friends get into a fight and it turn to a love-hate relationship.  I recommend this book to anyone who likes real-life situations.  Warning: this book contains some profanity and sexual situations--for mature readers only. 

Reviewer: Corrine Locke

Article 5

By Kristen Simmons

RL 4.8
PTS 14.0

     Article 5 is a book about a daughter and her mother being arrested for breaking the law.  Chase, the soldier/ boyfriend tries to help them and get them them to safety.  I recommend this book for people who like reading about action, sorrow, and romance.

Reviewer: Carolina Reyna

Kristen Simmons

Falling Kingdoms

By Morgan Rhodes

RL 4.9
PTS 15.0

     Falling Kingdoms is a book about 3 kingdoms that have an extreme argument about the death of a "peasant" and decide that they must overtake one of the wealthiest kingdoms in order to rise to power.  I recommend this book to people who like reading about witches, magic, and action.

Reviewer: Carolina Reyna

Falling Kingdoms


By Maggie Stiefvater

RL 5.3
PTS 17.0

     Forever is a book about werewolves that are trying to protect their own kid from a family who's son was killed by a werewolf.  They don't care who they kill.  I recommend this book to people who like reading about werewolves, lost family, disappearances, and mysterious murders.

Reviewer: Carolina Reyna

Maggie Stiefvater

Scott Pilgrim #1: Precious Little Life

By Bryan Lee O'Malley


     Scott Pilgrim is about a guy who's life is going good, great even.  Until this girl comes into his life and turns it around.  In the book an evil guy comes and challenges him to a fight.  He has to win to get the girl of his dreams.  Won't tell who won though--gonna have to read it yourself!  If you like romantic twists and turn (with a little comedy) then I recommend this book to you!

Reviewer: Destany Ruiz

Scott Pilgrim

Hush Hush

By Becca Fitzpatrick

RL 4.5
PTS 12.0

     Hush Hush is about a dark angel that wants ti become human but has to kill a "nephil" which is hard to find.  When he finds one, he has the chance to kill her, but he always hesitates.  I recommend this book to a student that likes reading about dark angels and enjoys thrilling action!

Reviewer: Carolina Reyna

Becca Fitzpatrick

The Scorpio Races

By Maggie Stiefvater

RL 5.5
PTS 17.0

     A girl called Puck joins a race with man-eating horses!  Every November there's the Scorpio Races. A boy named Sean wants the water horse (capaill uisce) he trains very much, but he can only have him if he wins the race.  Puck is racing for the prize money, and for something else, very important.  I recommend this book to people that enjoy friendship, races, or a little love.

Reviewer: Daisy Carreon

Maggie Stiefvater